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The ancient greek temples are standing for centuries, reminding all mankind the greatness of Greek civilization.

The ancient Greek architects have been excellent craftsmen and built temples and monuments, that are still impressed today, hundrends of years after. Despite the tribulations, wars and disasters, many ancient temples have managed to maintain themselves in a very good condition.

The temple in Greek antiquity was the residence of the god, the building that housed the devotional statue of one or more deities, and not the gathering place of believers, as many might believe. This also reveals the essential “temple”, derived from the verb “come” (= dwell).

The cult statue was placed at the bottom of the temple, on the longitudinal axis of the building. The believers gathered in the surrounding area outside the temple building, where the altar was to offer sacrifices and worship. This basic functional characteristic of the Greek temple is important for the understanding of its architecture, as there are testimonies that the temples were designed based on the statue that was to be housed.

Greek temples excist all over Greece but also all over Europe. The most important are Parthenon and Erechthion in Acropolis, Ifestos’ temple, Poseidon’s temple in Sounio, Olympius Zues temple and many others.